Dental caries is recognized as a social problem in the world. Streptoccocus mutans is strongly implicated as a causative organism of human and animal dental caries. Two major virulence factors of Streptococcus mutans have been implicated in the molecular pathogenesis of dental caries: antigen I/II and glucosyltransferase (GTF). Antigen I/II may function as an adhesin which mediates attachment of Streptococcus mutans to the tooth surface since it is essential for colonization in vivo and binds to salivary receptors in vitro. Glucosyltransferase enzyme (GTF) is considered as a second virulence factor characterizing Streptococcus mutans. Activity of GTF depends on synthesis water-insoluble glucans from sucrose. The glucans play an important role in dental plaque formation by facilitating the accumulation of bacteria on the teeth surfaces. Thus, antigen I/II and glucosyltransferase are the major candidates for a caries vaccine component. The aim of this project is to obtain vaccine against dental carries. Transformation of Salvia officinalis and Escherichia coli cells with Streptococcus
mutans genes (N-terminal and central fragments of antigen I/II, CAT and GLU regions of glucosyltransferase) may result in production of raw material for vaccinization.
Last minute info: Gene constructs for plant transformation are prepared. Application for GMO studies in progress. Estimated R&D cost U$ 400 000.